Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA)
Manitoba: Winnipeg Region
You might be interested in
Unpublished Charlotte Bronte Writings Return to Haworth
The Guardian Newspaper reports:
"A book containing unpublished work by Charlotte Brontë – and one of the few surviving possessions of her mother after her property was lost in a shipwreck – has returned to the family’s home in Haworth, West Yorkshire.
The copy of Robert Southey’s edition of The Remains of Henry Kirke White was owned by Maria Branwell, who in 1812 married the curate Patrick Brontë. She had annotated the book and it was among her possessions shipped from her home in Cornwall when she decided to stay in Yorkshire, after meeting and falling in love with her future husband.
However, the ship was wrecked off the Devon coast and her trunk was lost, save for a few items – including this book, which as a result became a treasured heirloom for the Brontë family. Maria died in 1821, when her children were very young. Her book was sold at an auction at Haworth parsonage following the death of Patrick Brontë in 1861, and has spent most of the last century in the US."
Cooking in Jane Austen's Time
In researching material on cooking ("What do you Mean...They Didn't Have a Cuisinart?) for a presentation that I made to our JASNA Winnipeg Chapter meeting I discovered some interesting resources which I've posted for your further interest.
Cooking with a Dutch Oven
No-Knead French Bread Made in a Dutch Oven
History of Bread
Scarcity of Grain in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century
Preserving Food by Potting Meat
The Scullery
Cleaning Agents
If Walls Could Talk: The Kitchen
Cooking on an Open Hearth
18th Century Hearth Cooking
"Jane Austen's England" by Roy and Lesley Adkins
Jane Austen's "Lady Susan" is now on film under the title "Love and Friendship". The following are comments on the film from those who viewed it at the Sundance film festival. Some believe it is a 'laugh out loud, hilarious' telling of the story. It stars Kate Beckinsdale.
Mags at Austenblog – http://austenblog.com/2016/01/25/review-love-friendship
The New York Post: http://nypost.com/2016/01/24/whit-stillman-brings-metropolitan-flair-to-jane-austen
The Guardian: www.theguardian.com/film/2016/jan/24/love-friendship-review-kate-beckinsale-devious-delight-sundance?CMP=fb_gu
Variety.com: http://variety.com/2016/film/festivals/love-and-friendship-review-sundance-jane-austen-1201687362
From SlashFilm.com: http://www.slashfilm.com/love-friendship-review
Fan of Mansfield Park but love to hate Fanny Price? You'll want to read this article written by Carol Shields, "The Case of the Wimpy Heroine". I originally appeared as an Internet article submitted by Marilyn Cichon in the publication, "Letter from Chicago".
To: The members of the Jane Austen Society of North America Winnipeg Chapter
From: The Jane Austen Gift Shop (A subsidiary of the Jane Austen Centre in Bath)
"At the Jane Austen Gift Shop we have a wide selection of interesting an unusual Jane Austen-related items all of which can be sent to the USA safely and economically. So if you and your fellow members would like to receive our weekly newsletter please use the link below to sign up.
In addition as a member of Jane Austen Society of North America you will also be entitled to a special 15% discount off your first order.
Thank you for your time and best regards.
The Jane Austen Gift Shop team
Locksbrook House Ltd, Trading as 'The Jane Austen Centre', Registered in England."
Jane Austen's Will
Jane Austen's will is available in special edition through the Jane Austen Society of Australia Inc at their website. "A Century of Wills of the Jane Austen Family" includes the wills of:
John Austen (1629–1705) William Austen (1701–1737) Stephen Austen (1704–1750) Cope Freeman (d. 1724) John Cope Freeman (1724–1788) Philadelphia (Austen) Hancock (1730–1792); Theophilus Leigh (c.1643–1725) John Walker (d. 1736) James Perrott (1639–1724) Henry Perrot (1689–1740) Thomas Perrot (d. 1751) Ann Perrot (1676–1760) Thomas Leigh (1696–1764) Jane (Walker) Leigh (1704–1768) the Hon. Mary Leigh (d. 1806) Jane Austen (1775–1817).
In addition, the wills of both Jane Austen and William Shakespeare are available through the National Archives of the United Kingdon.
This document gives the names of movies that have been made
in Bath along with identifying the locations where shooting took
place. Other points of interest in Bath are included. It's fun to
read this sort of trivia and, maybe it will inspire you to plan a Bath
Celebrating 200 Years of Mansfield Park
Following the success of JASNA's 2013 sold out tour in England it is
announcing the 2014 tour inspired by the bicentenary of Jane
Austen's rich and complex novel "Mansfield Park". The tour is
planned for July 17 - 26th and is limited to 34 participants. As well,
only members of JASNA may apply. If you are a member of JASNA
and have not received the recent bulleting regarding this trip,
contact Elixabeth Steel and tour@jasna.org.
Jane Austen Lyme Regis Weekend
Jaunt with Jane is a Jane Austen themed weekend held in Lyme
Regis. This year the event will be held on the weekend of 4-5th
October 2014. The ultimate Janeite experience, Jaunt with Jane is
hosted in the town Jane Austen absolutely adored & featured in
Persuasion. On Jaunt with Jane you will Meet Jane Austen’s relation,
Diana Shervington & hear a talk by her as well as meeting with Diana,
hearing her stories and seeing the items she has that once belonged
to Jane.
Music from the Jane Austen Era
If you'd like to set the mood for Jane Austen reading, this is an
interesting collection.
Jane Austen and Food: Maggie Lane
Food was an important part of Regency life. Gooseberry tarts,
rout cakes, elder wine, broiled mutton and whipt syllabub are just
a few of the menu items enjoyed by Jane's characters.
Activites for Your Jane Austen Group
Games were an essential part of a social evening in Jane Austen's
world. PBS has provided a description of activities which can be
learned and played by any group interested in Jane and the
Regency period in England.
Regency Christmas Traditions
This site offers a good overview of how 17th and 18th century
people created a festive environment over the Christmas season. It
includes some recipes as well.
Travel in Regency England
How did people travel in Jane's timed period? Bouncing around in
a carriage, whether it was a Barouche Box or a coach must have
been a challenge that required plenty of logistical planning.
How to Cut a Silhouette
The skills of accomplished ladies in Regency England included
cutting silhouettes. This site provides detailed instructions so
you can give it a try.
Here's an interesting piece that appeared in the September 2013
edition of the JASNA Vancouver newsletter (Pages 9 - 11). Written
by Sandy Lundy and based on notes provided by Lorraine
Meltzer, it provides a detailed summary of a talk delivered to the
group by Iris Lutz, International President of JASNA complete with
photos and trivia.
Review of Pride and Prejudice Mini-Series
There is a series of reviews on this blog of several of the movie and
television versions of Pride and Prejudice interpretations
including the 1980, 1995 and 2005 versions. All Janeites will have
their own opinions about each one. See how yours correponds
with the author of this blog.
Jane Austen is loved all over the world. This enthusiasm
transcends international borders and is beyond all political stripes.
You'll be interested in this web page created by your fellow Janeites
in Moscow.