Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA)
Manitoba: Winnipeg Region
The February 2019 meeting of JASNA Manitoba: Winnipeg Region was part business meeting - part just plain fun. Prior to the meeting a list of potential themes had been circulated to members looking for volunteers to assume responsibility for one or more presentations for our 2019/2020 season. The enthusiastic response of members was gratifying and by meeting time we had only three vacancies in our schedule which were, indeed filled by the time the meeting was over. So we have interesting topics ahead until December 2020. The list has been posted on our 'When We Meet' page.
Marina reported to the group that the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre was exceptionally pleased with our group's attendance at last fall's opening night of their production of 'Sense and Sensibility'. In fact the RMTC is eager to have us join them again this coming fall for their new production of MISS BENNET: CHRISTMAS AT PEMBERLEY
By Lauren Gunderson and Margot Melcon November 28 – December 21, 2019 (Preview November 27). All present indicated they would be excited to attend as a group.

After a coffee break the group re-convened for the reading of a play - a scene in which Miss Elizabeth Bennet, awaiting the birth of her first child welcomes her sister Jane for a visit. In the course of this scene we are also treated to visits by Mr. Bennet and by Lydia. This was an informal and easy way for members to take part in the dramatic scene. No preparation was required. Players merely read from a script.
This script is one of many that are available to Jane Austen groupsfrom the 'script bank' that can be found in the JASNA North America Resource section. Scripts have been contributed by JASNA members across North America.