Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA)
Manitoba: Winnipeg Region
JASNA Winnipeg at the WAG
JASNA Winnipeg had the great fortune of being invited to participate in a private tour of the Beaverbrook Gallery at the Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG) on January 13, 2015. Even a greater honour was the fact that the tour was led by Stephen Borys the Director of the WAG.
Lord Beaverbrook was a prodigious collector of art and many of the master works included in the WAG exhibit were by artists that would have been known by Jane Austen. She would, as well have known some of the subjects in the portraits.
To appreciate the significance of this travelling exhibit and of the art on display we look to the WAG's own description.
"In the first North American touring exhibition of the Beaverbrook’s most prestigious holdings, the exhibition highlights exquisite paintings by important old masters, as well as seminal artists in the history of Canadian art. Presented are paintings by world-renowned artists, such as Cranach, Copley, Delacroix, Gainsborough, Constable, Reynolds, Romney, Sargent, Sisley, Turner, and Freud; and by prominent historical Canadian artists, such as Krieghoff, Morrice, Carr, Milne, Gagnon, and members of the Group of Seven. A highlight of the exhibition is Salvador Dalí’s monumental painting Santiago El Grande."
At the conclusion of the tour members adjourned to enjoy dinner at a nearby restaurant - Dessert Sinsations Cafe.
JASNA thanks Stephen Borys for his very animated and informative overview of the paintings viewed. He provided us with a real insight into the development of artistic style and theme through the centuries and was able to draw to our attention connections to Jane Austen and her world as we viewed Regency period paintings.
To read more about the Beaverbrook Collection visit the two web sites below.
About the Beaverbrook Collection